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Top Internet Searches for Porn

I came across some interesting information about Middle America whilst cruising the Internet for porn statistics this weekend (y'know, how you do...).

Apparently Middle America is at home, searching the Internet for porn. Read what you will into the following lists of cities producing the most Internet searches for keywords like "sex" and "xxx" (maybe they don't utilize bookmarks as much as people in big coastal cities, or maybe people in big cities have more sophisticated searches like "slutty teen hot candle wax catfight"..or something).

In any event, here are the lists, organized by keyword. I'm including the worldwide search results as well, though I don't have much comment there. Apologies to you statisticians out there, but the best source I can offer is the meta-stats site Internet Filter Review (they clearly need to get hip to citing sources and methodology).

Top Worldwide Search Requests Top US Cities Search Requests
      1. South Africa 1.  Elmhurst, IL
      2. Ireland 2.  Stockton, CA
      3. New Zealand 3.  Meriden, CT
      4. United Kingdom 4.  Chandler, AZ
      5. Australia 5.  Louisville, KY
      6. Estonia 6.  Irvine, CA
      7. Norway 7.  Kansas City, KS
      8. Canada 8.  Norfolk, VA
      9. Croatia 9.  Tampa, FL
     10. Lithuania 10. Oklahoma City, OK
      1. Bolivia 1.  Elmhurst, IL
      2.  Chile 2.  Meriden, CT
      3.  Romania 3.  Oklahoma City, OK
      4.  Ecuador 4.  Irvine, CA
      5.  Pakistan 5.  Kansas City, KS
      6.  Peru 6.  Tampa, FL
      7.  Mexico 7.  Chandler, AZ
      8.  Slovenia 8.  Norfolk, VA
      9.  Lithuania 9.  Richardson, TX
     10. Colombia 10. Las Vegas, NV
      1.  Pakistan 1.  Elmhurst, IL
      2.  India 2.  Meriden, CT
      3.  Egypt 3. Kansas City, KS
      4.  Turkey 4.  Louisville, KY
      5.  Algeria 5.  Southfield, MI
      6.  Morocco 6.  Newark, NJ
      7.  Indonesia 7.  Oklahoma City, OK
      8.  Vietnam 8.  Norfolk, VA
      9.  Iran 9.  Irvine, CA
     10. Croatia 10.  Chandler, AZ


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And furthermore, I'm told that the Southern "Bible Belt" cities are where most sex-toys are sold as well. Makes you wonder what all those bible-thumping preachers get up to, behind closed doors..

Get me on the next plane to Elmhurst, Illinois! That's where things get freakay.

Agreed! I only just moved from Chicago to LA, but if I'd known about Elmhurst, I would have given it a chance instead! :)

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