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Sex Toy Ban Upheld

I tell ya, it's two steps forward, one step back. And you can't get much more backwards than Alabama, whose ban on sex toys will continue due to the US Supreme Court's declination to hear a challenge to the law.


The AP reports on the nine-year battle to challenge the anti-obscenity law, enacted in 1998 (no, not 1958) which bans the distribution of "any device designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs for anything of pecuniary value." Interestingly, the law doesn't ban the possession of sex toys, so residents may purchase sex toys out of state for use in Alabama. They won't have much luck doing so online, as many online sex toy retailers will not ship to "bible belt" zip codes for fear of prosecution down the line.

I am of course outraged at this law, which disproportionately impacts the main beneficiaries of sex toys--women. Indeed, sex toy retail comprises the one segment of the adult industry where women constitute a majority of the market (makes sense, given that vibrators are a requirement for some women to orgasm--men would be all over that shit too if their right hands weren't so effective!). Alabama apparently doesn't like women taking charge of their own pleasure, never mind the fact that many couples' sex lives (even those of the cherished heteros) hinge upon sex toys.

True to form, the sex industry crusaders are spunky as ever. Sherri Williams, owner of Pleasures stores in Huntsville and Decatur and central challenger of the law, said she was disappointed, but plans to sue again on First Amendment free speech grounds.

Says Williams: "My motto has been they are going to have to pry this vibrator from my cold, dead hand. I refuse to give up."



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Per'aps all those good ol' boys want to keep enjoying their own personal sex toys while pontificating about how evil the rest of the world is! It's always that way.....

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