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Porn keeps business alive

When business is slow, porn is always there for you. Remember that, kids. Only, when you become successful, you need to denounce porn and run as far away as possible.

Paypal did it, and in so doing incurred my eternal wrath (I mean, who would have used Payapal back when it was brand new, but for porn consumers? God bless them). As have others.

A recent strategic decision by CinemaNow, a struggling movie-download service backed by prominent companies such as Microsoft, to enter the porn market has triggered my rader. I'm not saying that CinemaNow is necessarily going to love 'em and leave 'em, but I've noticed a questionable pattern wherein struggling companies turn to porn consumers for survival, and ditch out as soon as they become big enough to survive on their own. They ban "adult transactions" and distance themselves as much as possible from this segment of the economy. This segment, by the way, is huge, growing, and largely resistant to recession (I'm just saying...). The excuse is often that porn customers are supposedly difficult, and often dispute charges on their credit card (often when wives get ahold of the bill). This is purely anecdotal, but I know a few adult businessowners who have stellar credit, and who almost never have chargebacks. I think it's just simple conservatism and fear that advertisers/investors won't want to do business with a company who caters to the porn market.

It's a shame to see conservatism and fear win out, and even more of a shame to see businesses opportunistically prey on porn consumers, with so little loyalty. I'll certainly watch CinemaNow's progression with interest. Let's see where they go...


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