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  • In the debauched world of INDIEROTICA, the thin bra-strap of a line between the seductive and the obscene is torn, stripped, and ripped off so often that one can have difficulty differentiating between the exploitative and truly erotic. Here to help us connect the dots is the brilliant and sexy REBECCA, author of the clever blog, PORN PERSPECTIVES. "Examining the interplay between pornography, feminism, economics, and technology", it's possibly the smartest sex on the internet.

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Holiday Tip

Feeling lonely this holiday? Have yourself a drink! Scientists have proven it gets you laid!

A recent study shows that people who drink significant amounts of alcohol are more likely to have multiple sex partners. The news gets better—the more one drinks, the more partners one tends to have.

The only potential downside of having multiple partners is that it makes you more likely to not have a high school diploma, be male, be black, and have sex before you’re 14. If you’re cool with the above, then have a drink and enjoy!


You're right. And didn't beer point this out long ago? "Helping people get laid since 1703"? Yawn; what's new?

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